Different trademark applications can be filed and prosecuted in a smooth and convenient manner as a result of Trademark classification. All countries around the world follow a similar trademark classification process. In order to facilitate easy and hassle-free global trade and business, countries should standardize their respective classifications of trademarks. As a result of international trademark conventions and treaties, countries are able to facilitate international trademark registration and protection.
There are 45 classes of trademarks and service marks in the Indian trademark classification list. There are two categories of classification: goods and services. The distinction between goods and services must be made clearly since goods are products and services are activities performed for the benefit of others.
There are 34 categories in which goods can be categorized, and 11 categories in which services can be categorized. The classes of goods range from 1 to 34, and the classes of services range from 35 to 45.
There may be more than one type of goods covered by a trademark; in such cases, you may submit the application under more than one class. Alternatively, a multi-class trademark application may be referred to as a multi-class trademark application.
The plaintiff, in this case, is Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha and they seek to prevent the defendant, a spare parts supplier by the name M/S Prius Auto Industries Limited, from the usage of the trademarks- “Toyota”, “Innova”, and “Prius”. According to the finding of the court, two of the three trademarks mentioned, namely Toyota and […]
Intellectual property rights create a situation in which the inventor or the creator enjoys full ownership and rights to commercial exploitation of his creation while everyone else is excluded. The justification is that such a creation, if it has material value, must benefit the creator while preventing others who would otherwise commercially exploit the concept […]
WIPO defines copyright as the right of creators to ownership of their creations and to make use for commercial or other purposes. Copyright today covers literary creations, printed material, computer programs, data, audiovisual media, dance, paintings and drawings, photographs, sculpture, architecture, ad material, technical drawings and others that are the outcome of intellectual effort. From […]